Powder Day in August!


The Tetons received over 14″ of snow of of the storm so i headed up to the Middle Teton Glacier to check out the skiing.



After hiking for a couple hours in the fog, i finally hit snow, and found lots of bear tracks. A couple on their way down said they turned around because of the bear in the trail.  I made a bunch of noise and luckily never saw him.

I kept booting up until the snow got too deep for tennis shoes, so i stopped to transition to ski boots.




Made it through the fog and the peaks finally popped out

I finally made it to the run. Now i just had to boot up, around the bergschrund to the top.


Got some good skiing from the top! Was a little sketchy with all the new snow, so i cut it a couple times and got the scary snow to slide off before getting to ski some awesome turns!





I set my gopro up for this shot, too good not to get a photo with the Grand Teton in the background.



Was a pretty fun run for August 28th! I skied as far as i could til i ran out of snow, then stopped on a big boulder to transition to hiking the 5 miles back to the car. 






What an awesome day! I made it back to the valley drove home where i enjoyed a celebretory beer with a friend.