Togwotee Pass in Wyoming is a snowmobiler’s dream, but.few people know how many cool spots there are to ski there too. With all the national parks shut down because of the quarantine we had to find new spots to backcountry ski. Luckily in Jackson we were still allowed to go outside so I called my friend Tristan to head up there find some lines. 


We drove separately, each with our own snowmobile to maintain safe distance during the quarantine. We unloaded our sleds and ventured up to one of the best sled areas, a huge open bowl filled with couloirs. 

Sledding to the bowl is filled with tight trees, sidehills and even a frozen waterfall that you have to maneuver the snowmobile through. We got stuck multiple times, but finally made it to the bowl. It opened up above the trees with tons of couloirs and tiny pinner lines. All we had to do was decide which one we wanted to ski first. 

We drove our sleds up as high on the slope as we could, jumped off and let them coast back down to the bottom to minimize how far we had to hike. Just remember to turn off the sled before you jump off, otherwise it will be out of gas when you get back. We booted up the couloir in waist deep snow at times, but finally made it to the saddle and looked down the otherside.


We picked another fun pinner couloir to ski next. We were able to boot up the one next to it and drop down from the top. Tristan spotted the line, so he went first this time. I followed, it was a little crunchy but super fun, with a tight choke exit.

Another party was most of the way up the otherside, so we waited till they were in a safe spot and I dropped in first. The sun popped out just in time for me to ski the 800 foot couloir, it skied really good! After skiing down, we booted back up to return to the otherside to ski another one. 

 It is such a sweet zone, with lots of options and amazing views. We took our sleds up high for a couple corn laps and cheered our beers on having a great day! I think we’ll be skiing up here for a while before the snow melts